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Showing posts from March, 2020

What Old Office Assets You Should Recycle?

An office is full of old IT assets from printers, computers, to hard drives. Most of these electronics are not disposed of responsibly and end up in the trash. The disposal of old electronics in the landfill has several challenges. The dangerous materials inside them can pose a risk to both humans and the environment. The best way to get rid of old electronics is to perform corporate electronic recycling through experts. They ensure that your old electronics are disposed of responsibly. Old IT Equipment That You Should Consider To Recycle Printers And Fax Machines: You can’t just throw your old printers out. The reason is that the ink cartridge inside it contains toxic metals. If it is disposed of irresponsibly, then it can harm the environment. Recycling non-working printers help reduce pollution and save resources. Computers Or Laptops: A computer system consists of various materials like plastic, metals, and glass that need to be recycled. Disposing of old comput...

Protect Your Confidential Information With Proper Data Destruction

Does your organization has confidential information stored on old hard drives? Well, businesses of all sizes store information on different electronic media. It can be either client records, business data, and product research. The failure to perform timely data destruction of old electronics might lead to several consequences like: An improperly erased hard drive can lead to data breaches. Your business might have to pay for non-compliance fines and settlements depending upon the severity of the breach. Your clients trust you to protect their personal information. Improper data destruction can result in loss of trust and can also damage the business reputation. The easiest way to ensure proper data destruction is to partner with a certified electronics recycling agency. The experts provide you with a guarantee that your stored data is destroyed and never be recovered.

Think Globally Act Locally

The phrase is apt in today’s world when we want to tackle the global e-waste problems. We know that electronic waste is generated all around the world. A few countries produce more than the others, but it does get generated in many places. We can tackle the global problem if we act locally that means we contact our local electronic recycling service providers to dispose of the e-waste from the residential and corporate areas. A few drop points must be decided where people can leave their e-waste and from there it goes to the local electronic recycling providers for the proper disposal process. If every locality starts doing it, then we will curb this major global problem. So, coming back to the phrase again, think globally act locally does seem legit here. Be responsible and call your local electronic recycling service provider to save the environment.